
YZ-Link Electronic Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Since 2004, YZ-Link has specialized to provide inter-connection solution with the cable assembly& Connectors production and design in the field of Telecom, Industry, Auto, Medical Equipment and Rail intelligent transit, we served customers all over the world including north US, EUR and east Aisa.

YZ-Link has three manufacturing locations in China: Yzconn(Dongguan), Gen-conn(Suzhou) and HLZ( Hangzhou):

• Yzconn(Dongguan) focus on elec. Connectors manufacture located in Dongguan

• Gen-conn focus on cable wire harness and customized connectors manufacture located in Suzhou

• HLZ located in Hangzhou for cable assembly.

• Headquarter located in Shanghai for the product design and the marketing operation.

Guaranteeing the Best Quality Products at the Most Competitive Prices:

With ISO 9001, ISO 14000 and ISO/IATF 16949 certifications, we have specialized the highest QC standards that allow us to guarantee the best quality products, the best operation and management system make us the most competitive prices and excellent services.

Flexible production plan for shorter lead time:

Generally 2 - 3 weeks production lead time for high mix low volume production, fully altomated production investment support us much better lead time for high volume production. A engineering production shop can quickly support FA sample demand in 3 - 5 days.

Heavily Investment in R& D:

To continually offer cutting-edge products, we invest heavily in R& D, die designing, stamping and molding resources. We use the latest AutoCAD software to realize the specifications of our clients, and serve client for the customization.
Product List